Join Simmental Breeders & Enthusiast Across the State

The OKSSA has set as its primary objectives the development and promotion of the Simmental and Simbrah breeds of cattle in the State of Oklahoma. It is believed that both these breeds can make important contributions towards the improvement of the cattle industry in Oklahoma. The OKSSA is open to all individuals interested in Simmental and Simbrah cattle.

Board Of Directors

Executive Committee

President, Kurt Hamburger

VIce President, Sean Ison

Secretary/Treasurer, Audra Williams

Jeff White, Ex-Officio

Jeff Henrichs, Member -At-Large


Gary Updyke, NE District Director

Dick Shulanberger, NE District Director

Harold Stephens, Member-At-Large

Chet Purvine, NW District Director

Jake Grossnicklaus, SW District Director

Meeting Minutes

Meeting Agendas